Data Analytics for Psychology and Business



Dirk Wulff (contact), Rui Mata (contact)


CDS Meeting Room (Missionsstrasse 64A, RM 00.010) and/or over Zoom


Data is everywhere and is being used to answer many questions concerning our wealth, health, and productivity. The aim of this seminar is to enable you to thoughtfully and actively use data science to help answer meaningful questions in a wide variety of domains. The course will consist of 1) introductory sessions on data analytics, 2) the application of these techniques in a group project over the course of the semester, 3) discussion with experts in a meet-the-expert event to learn about opportunities and challenges of data analytics in psychology and business.


Learn the fundamentals of data science, develop confidence and skills in wrangling, analyzing, and communicating data to answer questions in an evidence-based manner.


The course is graded as PASS/FAIL. Students can receive a PASS if they fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Engagement in class exercises and discussions
  2. Completion of homework assignments
  3. Present several project updates in short presentations
  4. Contribute to and complete a group project
  5. Present group project in a blitz talk at the meet-the-expert event


The course consists of 4 full-day sessions (Fridays, ca. 9:00 to 16:00), and individual group project update sessions of 1 hour (virtual; to be scheduled Friday mornings, 9:00 to 12:00). Specific dates are given below.

Session Date Time Contents
1 01.03.2023 9am - 12pm
1pm - 4pm
Introduction to data science and the PPDAC cycle; Getting Started: GitHub, R Markdown; form groups
2 02.03.2023 9am - 12pm
1pm - 4pm
Data wrangling & visualization; Student project pitches
3 22.03.2023 9am - 12pm
1pm - 4pm
Student project pitches; causal inference and statistical modeling
4 12.04.2023 9am - 12pm Project meetings: analysis (Virtual)
5 26.04.2023 9am - 12pm Project meetings: analysis (Virtual)
5 03.05.2023 9am - 12pm Project meetings: presentation (Virtual)
6 24.05.2023 9am - 12pm
1pm - 6pm
Student presentations; meet-the-expert event

Getting Started

Please check out the Installation page to get started.