
A training opportunity in data analytics


The Center for Cognitive and Decision Sciences (CDS) coordinated a collaborative project involving several CDS members and MSc students associated with the center as part of its mission to train MSc students in data analytics (see cds.unibas.ch for more information). The initiative was supported by IMPULS.

Dr. Dirk Wulff and Prof. Dr. Rui Mata coordinated the project and Dr. Dirk Wulff conducted all data preprocessing and setup for the hackathons (thank you!!!). The project consisted of a series of planning sessions and two collaborative hackathons described below. Resources related to the hackathons are available on this Github repository.


Part I - Data Visualization (April 14th, 2021)


The goal of the first hackathon part is to produce three quality visualizations illustrating…

  1. The frequency distribution of sustainable development goals detected in Unibas publications and projects.
  2. The distribution of sustainable development goals detected in Unibas publications and projects as a function of Unibas organizational units.
  3. The relationship between sustainable development goals.


  1. Each group creates and works in a single R script that is given a unique name by the group, e.g., a group pseudonym, to not infer with the other groups’ script files. The script file is stored in 1_code. See code template including the placeholder GROUPPSEUDONYM.
  2. Each group creates three .pdf figure files in the 2_figures folder. Figure files also must receive a suffix identifying the group. See example figure.
  3. Pull before you Push.

Part II - Reporting (April 29th, 2021)

Participants: Nina Frings, Sophia Prix, Samuel Aeschbach, Alexandra Bagaini, Yun-Rui Liu, Rui Mata, Gayoung Son, Dirk Wulff


The goal of the second hackathon part is to produce a report partly based on the visualizations produced in the first hackathon using R Markdown, in particular those concerning the distribution of SDG-matches overall and by organizational unit.


  1. Each group creates and works in a single R Markdown document that is given a unique name by the group.

  2. Pull before you Push.