

By the end of this practical you will know how to:

  1. Fit regression, decision trees and random forests to training data.
  2. Evaluate model fitting and prediction performance in a test set.
  3. Compare the fitting and prediction performance of models.
  4. Use model tuning to improve model performance.


A - Setup

  1. Open your dataanalytics R project. It should already have the folders 1_Data and 2_Code.

  2. Download the college and place it into your 1_Data folder.

  3. Open a new R script. At the top of the script, using comments, write your name and the date. Save it as a new file called supervised_learning_practical.R in the 2_Code folder.

  4. Using library() load the set of packages for this practical listed in the packages section above. If you are missing packages, install them first using install.packages().

# install.packages("tidyverse")
# install.packages("caret")
# install.packages("party")
# install.packages("partykit")

# Load packages necessary for this script
  1. Run the code below to load the college as a new object.
# College data
college <- read_csv(file = "1_Data/college.csv")
  1. Take a look at the first few rows of each dataframe by printing them to the console.
# Print dataframes to the console
  1. Explore the data set using View() and names() to get a feel for the variables contained within it. Also see the Dataset tab for feature descriptions.

B - Data preparation

  1. Before we get started you need to do some data preparation. First order of business: change all character variables to factors using the code below.
# Convert all character columns to factor
college <- college %>% mutate_if(is.character, factor)
  1. Now, before you get started with fitting models, it’s time to split off a test set. Use the code below to apply a 80/20 split. Note the the function createDataPartition needs to be supplied with the criterion, which is the graduation rate (Grad.Rate).
# split index
train_index <- createDataPartition(XX$XX, p = .2, list = FALSE)

# train and test sets
college_train <- XX %>% slice(train_index)
college_test  <- XX %>% slice(-train_index)

C - Fitting

  1. In fitting models, caret needs to be supplied with a trainControl() object. To start with define an object called ctrl_none that sets the training control method to "none".
# Set training method to "none" for simple fitting
ctrl_none <- trainControl(method = "XX")


  1. Using train() fit a regression model called grad_glm predicting Grad.Rate as a function of all features. Specifically,…
  • for the form argument, use Grad.Rate ~ ..
  • for the data argument, use college_traint.
  • for the method argument, use method = "glm".
  • for the trControl argument, use your ctrl_none.
grad_glm <- train(form = XX ~ .,
                  data = XX,
                  method = "XX",
                  trControl = ctrl_none)
  1. Explore your grad_glm object by looking at grad_glm$finalModel and using summary(), what do you find?
  1. Using predict() save the fitted values of grad_glm object as glm_fit.
# Save fitted values of regression model
glm_fit <- predict(XX)
  1. Print your glm_fit object, look at summary statistics with summary(glm_fit), and create a histogram with hist() do they make sense?
# Explore regression model fits

Decision Trees

  1. Using train(), fit a decision tree model called grad_rpart. Specifically,…
  • for the form argument, use Grad.Rate ~ ..
  • for the data argument, use college_train.
  • for the method argument, use method = "rpart".
  • for the trControl argument, use your ctrl_none.
  • for the tuneGrid argument, use cp = 0.01 to specify the value of the complexity parameter. This is a pretty low value which means your trees will be, relatively, complex, i.e., deep.
grad_rpart <- train(form = XX ~ .,
                  data = XX,
                  method = "XX",
                  trControl = XX,
                  tuneGrid = expand.grid(cp = XX))
  1. Explore your grad_rpart object by looking at grad_rpart$finalModel and plotting it with plot($finalModel)), what do you find?

  2. Using predict(), save the fitted values of grad_rpart object as _fit.

# Save fitted values of decision tree model
rpart_fit <- predict(XX)
  1. Print your rpart_fit object, look at summary statistics with summary(), and create a histogram with hist(). Do they make sense?
# Explore decision tree fits

Random Forests

  1. Using train(), fit a random forest model called grad_rf. Speicifically,…
  • for the form argument, use Grad.Rate ~ ..
  • for the data argument, use college_train.
  • for the method argument, use method = "rf".
  • for the trControl argument, use your ctrl_none.
  • for the mtry parameter, use mtry = 2. This is a relatively low value, so the forest will be very diverse.
grad_rf <- train(form = XX ~ .,  
                 data = XX,
                 method = "XX",
                 trControl = XX,
                 tuneGrid = expand.grid(mtry = XX))  
  1. Using predict(), save the fitted values of grad_rf object as rf_fit.
# Save fitted values of random forest model
rf_fit <- predict(XX)
  1. Print your rf_fit object, look at summary statistics with summary(), and create a histogram with hist(). Do they make sense?
# Explore random forest fits

D - Evaluate fitting performance

  1. Save the true training criterion values (college_train$Grad.Rate) as a vector called criterion_train.
# Save training criterion values
criterion_train <- XX$XX
  1. Using postResample(), determine the fitting performance of each of your models separately. Make sure to set your criterion_train values to the obs argument, and your true model fits XX_fit to the pred argument.
# Regression
postResample(pred = XX, obs = XX)

# Decision Trees
postResample(pred = XX, obs = XX)

# Random Forests
postResample(pred = XX, obs = XX)
  1. Which one had the best fit? What was the fitting MAE of each model?

E - Evaluate prediction perforamnce

  1. Save the criterion values from the test data set college_test$Grad.Rate as a new vector called criterion_test.
# Save criterion values
criterion_test <- XX$XX
  1. Using predict(), save the predicted values of each model for the test data college_test as glm_pred, rpart_pred and rf_pred. Set the newdata argument to the test data.
# Regression
glm_pred <- predict(XX, newdata = XX)

# Decision Trees
rpart_pred <- predict(XX, newdata = XX)

# Random Forests
rf_pred <- predict(XX, newdata = XX)
  1. Using postResample(), determine the prediction performance of each of your models against the test criterion criterion_test.
# Regression
postResample(pred = XX, obs = XX)

# Decision Trees
postResample(pred = XX, obs = XX)

# Random Forests
postResample(pred = XX, obs = XX)
  1. How does each model’s prediction or test performance (on the XX_test data) compare to its fitting or training performance (on the XX_train data)? Is it worse? Better? The same? What does the change tell you about the models?

  2. Which of the three models has the best prediction performance?

F - Tuning

  1. Now let’s see whether we can crank out more performance by tuning the models during fitting. To do set, first create a new control object called ctrl_cv that sets the training method to cross validation "cv" and the number of slices to 10. Use this new control object to re-fit the three models.
# Set training method to "none" for simple fitting
ctrl_cv <- trainControl(method = "XX", number = XX)

LASSO Regression

  1. Before you can fit a lasso regression model, you need to specify which values of the lambda penalty parameter we want to try. Using the code below, create a vector called lambda_vec which contains 100 values spanning a wide range, from very close to 0 to 1,000.
# Vector of lambda values to try
lambda_vec <- 10 ^ (seq(-4, 4, length = 100))
  1. Fit a lasso regression model predicting Grad.Rate as a function of all features. Specifically,…
  • set the formula to Grad.Rate ~ ..
  • set the data to college_train.
  • set the method to "glmnet" for regularized regression.
  • set the train control argument to ctrl_cv.
  • set the preProcess argument to c("center", "scale") to make sure the variables are standarised when estimating the beta weights, which is specifically necessary for regularized regression.
  • set the tuneGrid argument such that alpha is 1 (for lasso regression), and lambda is vector you specified in lambda_vec (see below)
# lasso regression
grad_tune_glm <- train(form = XX ~ .,
                        data = XX,
                        method = "XX",
                        trControl = XX,
                        preProcess = c("XX", "XX"),  
                        tuneGrid = expand.grid(alpha = 1, 
                                               lambda = lambda_vec))
  1. Print your grad_tune_glm object. What do you see?

  2. Plot your grad_tune_glm object. What do you see? Which value of the regularization parameter seems to be the best?

# Plot grad_tune_glm object
  1. What were your final regression model coefficients for the best lambda value? Find them by running the following code.
# Get coefficients from best lambda value

Decision tree

  1. Before fitting the decision tree, specify which values of the complexity parameter cp to try. Using the code below, create a vector called cp_vec which contains 100 values between 0 and 1.

  2. Fit a decision tree model predicting Grad.Rate as a function of all features. Specifically,…

  • set the formula to Grad.Rate ~ ..
  • set the data to college_train.
  • set the method to "rpart".
  • set the train control argument to ctrl_cv.
  • set the tuneGrid argument with all cp values you specified in cp_vec.
# Decision tree 
grad_tune_rpart <- train(form = XX ~ .,
                         data = XX,
                         method = "XX",
                         trControl = XX,
                         tuneGrid = expand.grid(cp = cp_vec))
  1. Print your grad_tune_rpart object. What do you see?

  2. Plot your grad_tune_rpart object. What do you see? Which value of the complexity parameter seems to be the best?

# Plot grad_tune_rpart object
  1. Print the best value of cp by running the following code. Does this match what you saw in the plot above?
# Print best regularisation parameter
  1. Plot your final decision tree using the following code:
# Visualise your trees

Random forest

  1. Before fitting a random forest model, specify which values of the diversity parameter mtry to try. Using the code below, create a vector called mtry_vec which is a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10.

  2. Fit a random forest model predicting Grad.Rate as a function of all features. Specifically,…

  • set the formula to Grad.Rate ~ ..
  • set the data to college_train.
  • set the method to "rf".
  • set the train control argument to ctrl_cv.
  • set the tuneGrid argument such that mtry can take on the values you defined in mtry_vec.
# Random Forest 
grad_tune_rf <- train(form = XX ~ .,
                      data = XX,
                      method = "XX",
                      trControl = XX,
                      tuneGrid = expand.grid(mtry = mtry_vec))
  1. Print your grad_tune_rf object. What do you see?

  2. Plot your grad_tune_rf object. What do you see? Which value of the regularization parameter seems to be the best?

# Plot grad_rf object
  1. Print the best value of mtry by running the following code. Does this match what you saw in the plot above?
# Print best mtry parameter

F - Evaluation prediction performance of tuned models

  1. Using predict(), save the predicted values of each tuned model for the test data college_test as glm_tune_pred, rpart_tune_pred and rf_tune_pred. Set the newdata argument to the test data.
# Regression
glm_tune_pred <- predict(XX, newdata = XX)

# Decision Trees
rpart_tune_pred <- predict(XX, newdata = XX)

# Random Forests
rf_tune_pred <- predict(XX, newdata = XX)
  1. Using postResample(), determine the prediction performance of each of your models against the test criterion criterion_test.
# Regression
postResample(pred = XX, obs = XX)

# Decision Trees
postResample(pred = XX, obs = XX)

# Random Forests
postResample(pred = XX, obs = XX)
  1. How does each model’s tuned prediction performance compare to its prediction performance without tuning? Is it worse? Better? The same? What does the change tell you about the models?

  2. Which of the three models has the best prediction performance?

X - Optional: Classification

  1. Evaluate which model can best predict, whether a school is Private. Note, it is not necessary to again perform the splitting. Jump right in using the existing college_train and college_test datasets. You can follow the same steps as above. Simply change the criterion to Private and use confusionMatrix() instead of postResample().


# Fitting, tune evaluating regression, decision trees, and random forests

# Step 0: Load packages-----------

# Step 1: Load, Clean, Split, and Explore data ----------------------

# mpg data

# Explore data

# Convert all characters to factor
mpg <- mpg %>% mutate_if(is.character, factor)

# split index
train_index <- createDataPartition(mpg$hwy, p = .2, list = FALSE)

# train and test sets
data_train <- mpg %>% slice(train_index)
data_test  <- mpg %>% slice(-train_index)

# Step 2: Define training control parameters -------------

# Set method = "none" for now 
ctrl_none <- trainControl(method = "none") 

# Step 3: Train model: -----------------------------

# Regression -------

# Fit model
hwy_glm <- train(form = hwy ~ year + cyl + displ,
                 data = data_train,
                 method = "glm",
                 trControl = ctrl_none)

# Look at summary information

# Save fitted values
glm_fit <- predict(hwy_glm)

#  Calculate fitting accuracies
postResample(pred = glm_fit, 
             obs = criterion_train)

# Decision Trees -------

# Fit model
hwy_rpart <- train(form = hwy ~ year + cyl + displ,
                data = data_train,
                method = "rpart",
                trControl = ctrl_none,
                tuneGrid = expand.grid(cp = .01))   # Set complexity parameter

# Look at summary information
plot($finalModel))   # Visualise your trees

# Save fitted values
rpart_fit <- predict(hwy_rpart)

# Calculate fitting accuracies
postResample(pred = rpart_fit, obs = criterion_train)

# Random Forests -------

# fit model
hwy_rf <- train(form = hwy ~ year + cyl + displ,
                data = data_train,
                method = "rf",
                trControl = ctrl_none,
                tuneGrid = expand.grid(mtry = 2))   # Set number of features randomly selected

# Look at summary information

# Save fitted values
rf_fit <- predict(hwy_rf)

# Calculate fitting accuracies
postResample(pred = rf_fit, obs = criterion_train)

# Step 5: Evaluate prediction ------------------------------

# Define criterion_train
criterion_test <- data_test$hwy

# Save predicted values
glm_pred <- predict(hwy_glm, newdata = data_test)
rpart_pred <- predict(hwy_rpart, newdata = data_test)
rf_pred <- predict(hwy_rf, newdata = data_test)

#  Calculate fitting accuracies
postResample(pred = glm_pred, obs = criterion_test)
postResample(pred = rpart_pred, obs = criterion_test)
postResample(pred = rf_pred, obs = criterion_test)

# Step 6: Modeling tuning ------------------------------

# Use 10-fold cross validation
ctrl_cv <- trainControl(method = "cv", 
                        number = 10) 

# Lasso
lambda_vec <- 10 ^ seq(-3, 3, length = 100)
hwy_lasso <- train(form = hwy ~ year + cyl + displ,
                   data = data_train,
                   method = "glmnet",
                   trControl = ctrl_cv,
                   preProcess = c("center", "scale"),  
                   tuneGrid = expand.grid(alpha = 1,  
                                          lambda = lambda_vec))

# decision tree
cp_vec <- seq(0, .1, length = 100)
hwy_rpart <- train(form = hwy ~ year + cyl + displ,
                   data = data_train,
                   method = "rpart",
                   trControl = ctrl_cv,
                   tuneGrid = expand.grid(cp = cp_vec))

# decision tree
mtry_vec <- seq(2, 5, 1)
hwy_rpart <- train(form = hwy ~ year + cyl + displ,
                   data = data_train,
                   method = "rf",
                   trControl = ctrl_cv,
                   tuneGrid = expand.grid(mtry = mtry_vec))

# Step 7: Evaluate tuned models ------------------------------

# you know how ... 


File Rows Columns
college.csv 777 18

The college data are taken from the College dataset in the ISLR package. They contain statistics for a large number of US Colleges from the 1995 issue of US News and World Report.

Variable description

Name Description
Private A factor with levels No and Yes indicating private or public university.
Apps Number of applications received.
Accept Number of applications accepted.
Enroll Number of new students enrolled.
Top10perc Pct. new students from top 10% of H.S. class.
Top25perc Pct. new students from top 25% of H.S. class.
F.Undergrad Number of fulltime undergraduates.
P.Undergrad Number of parttime undergraduates.
Outstate Out-of-state tuition.
Room.Board Room and board costs.
Books Estimated book costs.
Personal Estimated personal spending.
PhD Pct. of faculty with Ph.D.’s.
Terminal Pct. of faculty with terminal degree.
S.F.Ratio Student/faculty ratio.
perc.alumni Pct. alumni who donate.
Expend Instructional expenditure per student.
Grad.Rate Graduation rate.



Package Installation
tidyverse install.packages("tidyverse")
caret install.packages("caret")
partykit install.packages("partykit")
party install.packages("party")


Function Package Description
trainControl() caret Define modelling control parameters
train() caret Train a model
predict(object, newdata) stats Predict the criterion values of newdata based on object
postResample() caret Calculate aggregate model performance in regression tasks
confusionMatrix() caret Calculate aggregate model performance in classification tasks


