Data Analytics for Psychology and Business

Student projects


  1. Develop a specific question about real-world human behavior and address it using existing, publicly available datasets.
  2. Choose a topic related to human resources, marketing, consumer behavior and similar domains.
  3. Identify data containing human responses (e.g., ratings, reviews, choices, behavior, etc.) from the kaggle data repository.
  4. Keep to the timeline.

Project timeline

When What
25.02. Building groups
25.02. - 18.03. Find 1-3 project ideas and corresponding datasets
11.03. - noon Email ideas to Rui
15.03. Receive feedback on project ideas
18.03. Present project pitch pitch
18.03. - 25.03 Revise project pitch pitch
25.03. Present revised project pitch
25.03. - 08.04. Project work
08.04. Project meetings: analysis
08.04. - 29.04. Project work
29.04. Project meetings: analysis
29.04. - 20.05. Project work and prepare presentations
20.05. Project meetings: presentation
20.05. - 27.05. Finalize project and presentation
27.05. Deliver final presentations